Smart Grid: A Status Update For Missouri

The Missouri Public Service Commission hosted its second annual Smart Grid Conference on November 29 at its offices in Jefferson City.Smart Grid

Several vendors and key players in Smart Grid deployment nationwide had exhibits during the workshop. These vendors provided literature, demonstrated equipment and had technical personnel to answer any questions. Conference participants also had the opportunity to ride in a fuel efficient electric vehicle.



Panel Discussions and Technical Presentations 

What’s happening in Missouri? Presentations on current Smart Grid projects included a project overview, technology highlights and innovations, key success factors, challenges, consumer engagement, consumer data privacy and policies, cyber security, and future developments. (Commissioner Terry Jarrett served as moderator.)

Standards: Why They Are Important

 Chevy Volt Electric Vehicle

Empowering Consumers; Customer Engagement. A common theme often heard from Missouri utility customers is that they are excited about adopting new technology, innovation and helping the environment as long as it does not raise their electrical rates. What are the key elements to gain customer acceptance to assure customer participation? What are the lessons learned from other pilot projects and deployments? What are some of the successful marketing and consumer education techniques that have produced positive results? Can we create a customer base that is educated about the benefits and opportunities of smart grid deployment that will demand it be available to them? Are there untapped educational opportunities in our schools to educated and in some cases show the benefits? (Commissioner Robert Kenney served as moderator.)

Modernizing T&D on the Grid Smart. Smart Grid implementation will require increased automation, instrumentation and control devices to accommodate distributed generation, electrical vehicle deployments, advanced metering and demand side management program implementation. What are the challenges and opportunities associated with the advanced technology deployment? How does dynamic voltage control work, what equipment is required and what are the expected benefits? What substation modernization is required and why? What new innovations and technologies are on the horizon? How does the consumer directly or indirectly benefit and will they realize the benefits? (Commissioner Jeff Davis served as moderator.)

File No. EW-2011-0175 is the repository for the Smart Grid workshops.

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