Dealer Information

"Every manufacturer or dealer of manufactured homes who sells or offers for sale, on consignment or otherwise, a manufactured home or modular unit from or in the state of Missouri shall register each location with the commission." (Section 700.090.1 RSMo)
"It shall be a misdemeanor: (1) For a manufacturer or dealer to manufacture, rent, lease, sell or offer to sell any manufactured home or modular unit after January 1, 1977, unless there is in effect a registration with the commission." This rule also applies to modular classrooms. (Section 700.045 RSMo)
Every dealer or modular manufacturer who sells a new modular home to be placed in Missouri is required to have the purchaser of the modular unit sign and date an acknowledgement/waiver that the dealer or manufacturer has offered the fire sprinkler system in conjunction with the sale of the home. The acknowledgement/waiver must be signed by both the purchaser and the dealer or manufacturer or his/her legal representative. The purchaser is responsible for the cost of the fire sprinkler system being installed in the home. The acknowledgement/waiver must be included in the documentation given to the purchaser and the dealer must retain a copy of the acknowledgement/waiver with its records.
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