Press Release

Forrest Gossett (573) 751-9300

PSC Opens Working Case to Review Potential Evergy Consolidation

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo.---The Missouri Public Service Commission (PSC) has opened a collaborative working case to review potential consolidation of Evergy Metro, Inc. d/b/a Evergy Missouri Metro and Evergy Missouri West, Inc. d/b/a Evergy Missouri West (collectively, Evergy).

On Feb. 11, 2025, Evergy filed a motion to open a new docket dedicated to reviewing consolidation of jurisdictions as the result of a stipulation the PSC approved in Evergy’s prior rate case, File No. ER-2024-0189.

This file shall serve as a repository for documents and comments. Anyone with an interest in this matter may view non-confidential documents and may submit any pertinent responsive comments or documents. As this is not a contested case, anyone may file a comment without counsel and without ex parte issues. Intervention requests are not necessary to submit comments or view nonconfidential documents.

Submit comments by clicking on the link below or by forwarding electronic communications through the PSC’s Electronic Filing and Information System (EFIS): and click on the “e-Filing Instructions” link. Refer to File No. EW-2025-0220. Written comments may be submitted to the PSC at P.O. Box 360, Jefferson City, Mo. 65102, referencing File No. EW-2025-0220.

The PSC will host an on-the-record presentation on May 20, 2025, at 10 a.m. in Room 310 of the Governor Office Building, 200 Madison St., Jefferson City, Mo. This building meets Accessibility Standards required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. Individuals needing additional accommodations should call the PSC’s Hotline at 800-392-4211 or Relay Missouri at 711 before the hearing.

Click the following link(s) to enter a consumer comment for this case:


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