Reporting and Filing Obligations
Certain companies are subject to the following reporting and filing obligations:
Company Representatives - Any company authorized to provide telecommunications, IVoIP or video service by MPSC must ensure their company representative information is current with the PSC. Check EFIS (Electronic Filing & Information System) to search for a company's representatives (Search Instructions).
Annual Report* - Must be filed by all ILECs, CLECs, IXCs and IVoIP providers by April 15 (Form & Instructions / Annual Reports Search).
Statement of Revenue Report* - Must be filed by all ILECs, CLECs, IXCs, IVoIP, payphone and STS providers by March 31
(Form / Instructions).
*Clarifications regarding revenue reporting:
- IVoIP providers unable to distinguish between intrastate versus interstate jurisdictions may apply a safe harbor percentage to total revenues. The applied safe harbor percentage must correspond to the FCC’s safe harbor percentage. (For example, if the FCC has established a safe harbor interstate percentage of sixty-four and nine-tenths percent (64.9%) then an IVoIP provider may apply a safe harbor intrastate percentage of thirty-five and one-tenth percent (35.1%).)
- A company applying a bundled rate for a telecommunications or IVoIP service with a package of services that are not considered to be telecommunications or IVoIP services may report revenue by applying either of the following two (2) methods:
1. Report revenue based on the unbundled service offering price for telecommunications or IVoIP service or
2. Report all bundled revenues as net jurisdictional revenue.
- Revenue associated with non-switched private line service should be considered retail revenue; however, revenue associated with special access service should be considered wholesale revenue.
- A company offering non-switched private line service to a customer may consider all of the customer’s revenue to be within the interstate jurisdiction if ten percent (10%) or more of the customer’s private line network traffic is considered to be interstate traffic.