Gas Annual Report Forms

The completed 2024 Annual Report form (both Part 1 and Part 2) must be received by the Missouri Public Service Commission no later than    April 15, 2025.

Part 1


Click on the link below for instructions in completing the Annual Report.  Please review the instructions carefully before completing the report.


Different versions of the annual report form have been provided for your convenience and are listed below.
1. Excel - Select the link below to download an Excel document for on-screen input of information.  After completing, save the file to your computer before submission in EFIS. 
Please answer all questions carefully and completely, and send the completed form as indicated in the instructions.
2.  Adobe -   This version of the form is designed to be printed and filled out by hand.  
Please answer all questions carefully and completely, attach the appropriate FERC Form as Part 2, and submit the completed form as indicated in the instructions.

Part 2

The Part 2 portion of this form (FERC Form 2 and 2A) may be obtained from FERC's website @:

The completed Annual Report can be submitted in one of the following ways:
  • Through EFIS (accessible from the Commission's Webpage) at: A registered company representative is authorized to utilize this option, (pursuant to Sections 432.200 and 432.295). After submitting the Annual Report through EFIS, you will receive a BMAR (confirmation) number. Indicate that BMAR number on the original and retain for your records.
  • Or send the completed report to:

Data Center
Missouri Public Service Commission
P.O. Box 360
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0360
(200 Madison Street, Suite 100, Jefferson City, MO 65101)


If you have comments or questions regarding the Gas Annual Report forms and/or their contents, send an email to: or contact Angela Niemeier at (573) 526-3885.

To verify utility contact information, please access the Commission’s e-filing system (EFIS) at and follow the instructions provided under the HELP button (refer to the ‘Registration’ topics).  For EFIS assistance, contact the Data Center at

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