Annual Report Forms

Completed Annual Report forms must be received by the Missouri Public Service Commission on or before April 15th.


(Click on a link above to access an annual report for a specific utility type.)

Request for Extension of less than 30 days
Annual Report Extension Requests 30 days or less must be on company letterhead and signed by an officer of the Company or on the form provided below.  The reason for the request must be provided.  A contact e-mail address is required for approval or rejection of the request.  These requests are reviewed within 5-7 business days.  With this type of request, you may assume the request has been approved until May 15th, unless contacted.  To submit the request for extension into EFIS, detailed instructions are provided under the EFIS "HELP" button. Refer to the 'Submit Annual Report Extension Request" topic.
Request for Extension greater than 30 days
This type of extension request must be filed prior to April 15th as a legal pleading. If your company is a corporation or partnership, the pleading must be filed by an attorney licensed to practice in Missouri. If the utility is individually owned, the owner may file the pleading. The pleading must state the reason for the extension and certify that a copy of the written request was sent to all parties of record in pending cases where the Company's activiites are the primary focus of the proceeding (i.e., where the Company is identified as a moving party in the case caption.) The filing should be submitted in pleading form and comply with the filing requirements of Chapter 2 of 20 CSR 4240.  If e-filing, please submit the request as a "New Case Submission". Please refer to the EFIS Help topic titled, "Submit New Case".  For the Type of Filing, select "Motion External". For the Type of Case, select "Variance, Waiver for Extension from Commission Rule."


Comments / questions regarding the Electric / Steam-Heat,  Gas, or Water and Sewer Annual Report forms and/or their contents, send an email to: or contact Angela Niemeier at 573-526-3885.

Comments / questions regarding the Telecommunications-IVoIP Annual Report forms and/or their contents, send an email to: or contact Kari Salsman at (573) 526-5630.


To verify utility contact information, please access the Commission’s e-filing system (EFIS) at and follow the instructions provided under the HELP button (refer to the ‘Registration’ topics).  For EFIS assistance, contact the Data Center at

External / Internet