Press Release

 Debbie Quick (573) 522-2760

Intervention Deadline Set in Case Filed by the
City of Ozark and Missouri-American Water Company

JEFFERSON CITY---The City of Ozark (Ozark) and Missouri-American Water Company (MAWC) have filed a joint application with the Missouri Public Service Commission seeking Commission authority to transfer ownership of Spring Valley Water System (Spring Valley) from MAWC to Ozark. According to the application, MAWC seeks to sell, and Ozark desires to acquire, Spring Valley, located in Christian County in the City of Ozark.

According to the application, Ozark proposes to use existing rates for Spring Valley. For residents within the city limits, a minimum charge of $12.50 for the first 1,000 gallons of water and $3.30 per additional 1,000 gallons used. For Spring Valley residents outside the city limits, a minimum charge of $18.75 for the first 1,000 gallons of water and $4.95 per additional 1,000 gallons used.

Applications to intervene and participate in this case must be filed no later than July 24, 2024, with the Secretary of the Missouri Public Service Commission, P.O. Box 360, Jefferson City, Missouri 65102-0360, or by using the Commission’s Electronic Filing and Information System (EFIS) at

Individual citizens wishing to comment should contact either the Office of the Public Counsel (Governor Office Building, 200 Madison Street, Suite 650, P.O. Box 2230, Jefferson City, Missouri 65102-2230, telephone (866) 922-2959, email or the Public Service Commission Staff (P.O. Box 360, Jefferson City, Missouri 65102, telephone 1-800-392-4211, email The Office of the Public Counsel is a separate state agency that represents the general public in matters before the Commission.

Ozark currently serves approximately 10,110 water accounts and 9,000 sewer accounts. Spring Valley serves approximately 120 water accounts.

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