Press Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- January 04, 2022
Kevin Kelly (573) 751-9300

PSC Sets Intervention Deadline in Relay Missouri Case

JEFFERSON CITY---Based upon a motion filed by the Public Service Commission Staff, the Missouri Public Service Commission has opened a case to review the current surcharge that appears on the monthly telephone bills of Missourians to fund Relay Missouri.

The Relay Missouri fund provides financial support to ensure deaf, hearing-impaired and speech-impaired consumers have reasonable access to telephone service. The Relay Missouri fund provides financial support for the Relay Missouri service, the Captioned Telephone service (CapTel) and the equipment distribution program.

Relay Missouri is funded through a monthly, per line surcharge. The current surcharge is $0.04 per month, per access line. After reviewing the current fund surcharge and balance, the PSC Staff has recommended the surcharge be increased to $0.10 per month, per access line.

Applications to intervene and participate in this case must be filed no later than January 24, 2022, with the Secretary of the Missouri Public Service Commission, P.O. Box 360, Jefferson City, Missouri 65102, or by using the Commission’s Electronic Filing and Information System (EFIS) at

Individual citizens wishing to comment should contact either the Office of the Public Counsel (Governor Office Building, 200 Madison Street, Suite 650, P.O. Box 2230, Jefferson City, Missouri 65102-2230, telephone 1-866-922-2959, e-mail or the Public Service Commission Staff (P.O. Box 360, Jefferson City, Missouri 65102, telephone 1-800-392-4211, e-mail The Office of the Public Counsel is a separate state agency that represents the general public in matters before the Public Service Commission.

The Missouri General Assembly established Relay Missouri in 1990. The surcharge level is periodically reviewed by the Commission according to the requirements established by Missouri statutes.

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