How To Submit A Complaint
Informal Complaint
Before filing an informal complaint with the Missouri Public Service Commission, first contact your utility company and allow them an opportunity to investigate your complaint. If you are unable to resolve the dispute or inquiry in a manner that is satisfactory, you should then contact the Missouri Public Service Commission’s Consumer Services Unit to file an informal complaint.
Informal Complaint Form
PLEASE NOTE: The Missouri Public Service Commission does not regulate cellphones, internet providers, paging services, cable television rates or service, trash pick-up service, financial institutions, retail telecommunications services, rates of municipally-owned utilities, rural cooperatives or public water and sewer districts.
To learn more about your rights and responsibilities as a utility customer read Consumer Bill of Rights and Chapter 13, Service and Billing Practices for Residential Customers of Electric, Gas, Sewer, and Water Utilities.
File Your Informal Complaint In Writing Speak With A Consumer Services Specialist
Missouri Public Service Commission
Call: 1-800-392-4211
Governor Office Building TTY: 1-866-735-2460
Attn: Consumer Services Unit Relay Missouri users may also dial "711" and ask
200 Madison Street, P.O. Box 360 the communications assistant to dial 1-800-392-4211.
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0360
Fax: 573-526-1500
Informal Complaint e-Filing Instructions
Formal Complaint
Formal Complaint Form
A formal complaint is similar to a court case, and may result in a hearing. At the time of the hearing, state law requires that you present evidence, which will substantiate your claim against the utility company. The company will have an opportunity to present evidence discounting your claims.
You are not required to hire an attorney if you are representing yourself, or representing a business that you own alone and that is not a corporation. If you prefer to have an attorney represent you before the Commission, you may do so.
For more information on the formal complaint process, contact the Public Service Commission at 1-800-392-4211.