Press Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- November 30, 2022
Kevin Kelly (573) 751-9300

PSC Opens Working Case

JEFFERSON CITY---The Missouri Public Service Commission has opened a working case to consider utility actions related to securing funding from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 and the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.

The Office of the Public Counsel (OPC) filed a motion with the Commission on November 10, 2022, asking the Commission to open a working case to review and collect information about the availability to Missouri’s investor-owned utilities of approximately $920 billion in federal funding aimed at infrastructure modernization, acceleration of clean energy, and consumer-driven efficiency. OPC is a separate state agency which represents the general public in matters before the Public Service Commission.

This file (AW-2023-0156) will serve as a repository for documents and comments. Using this file, anyone with an interest in this matter may view documents and may submit any pertinent responsive comments or documents. This is not a contested case so anyone may file a comment without legal counsel and without ex parte constraints (arising from this matter). Intervention requests are not necessary to submit comments or view documents.

The public is welcome to submit comments by forwarding electronic communications through the Commission’s electronic filing and information system (EFIS) at the Commission’s website ( Once at the website, click on the Access EFIS link on the right side of the page. Scroll down and click on the public comment link. Please refer to File No. AW-2023-0156.

Written comments in hard copy should be sent to the Public Service Commission, P.O. Box 360, Jefferson City, Missouri 65102. Please refer to File No. AW-2023-0156. The public can view the contents of the file by following the link at

The Commission has directed stakeholders to submit recommendations regarding the date and location of an initial workshop meeting by December 15, 2022.

Click the following link(s) to enter a public comment for a case:


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