Press Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- August 08, 2024
Forrest Gossett (573) 751-9300

Missouri Public Service Commission
Convenes Resource Adequacy Summit

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo.---In the face of a rapidly evolving landscape of electric power generation and anticipated growth of future electric power needs, the Missouri Public Service Commission (PSC) is convening a forum to advance the critical conversations necessary to better position Missouri to address the adequacy of electric power generation at present and into the future.

“POWER MO: Securing Missouri’s Energy Future” is scheduled for Tuesday, Aug. 13, from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Harry S Truman Building in Jefferson City. Kayla Hahn, Chair of the Missouri Public Service Commission, said that the State of Missouri needs to better position itself to ensure safe, reliable, and affordable energy.

“We are already seeing signs of electric load growth from all types of users – from residential to large industrial customers. We need to secure our energy future so that when new economic development opportunities arise, we are ready to meet the challenge and be competitive with other states,” said Chair Hahn.

The forum will feature presentations and discussions with Michelle Hataway, Director of the Missouri Department of Economic Development, who will discuss economic development projects planned around the state and projected electric capacity needs, and Brad Fortson, PSC Manager of Energy Resources, who will discuss whether utility resource planning can help meet anticipated load growth.

Other sessions during the forum will include information from the Midwest Reliability Organization and the SERC Reliability Corporation on bulk power availability, representatives from regional transmission organizations and Associated Electric Cooperative, and a panel featuring representatives from the major investor-owned electric utilities operating in the State of Missouri.

The forum will end with a case study in planning and an outline of guiding principles for potential solutions to improve the state’s resource adequacy position led by Rich Germinder, PSC Senior Policy and Strategic Initiatives Advisor.

“I am hopeful that this event leads us on a path where we collectively find solutions to secure Missouri’s energy future,” said Chair Hahn.

Seating is limited at the event. Media interested in covering the forum should call Forrest Gossett at 573-751-9300.
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