In the Matter of Union Electric Company, d/b/a          )          File No. ER-2014-0258

Ameren Missouri’s Tariff to Increase Its                     )          Tariff No. YE-2015-0003

Revenues for Electric Service                                   )






Issue Date:  October 20, 2014                              Effective Date:  October 20, 2014



The Commission is interested in obtaining information and analysis as to whether rate design mechanisms should be established to promote stability or growth of customer levels in geographic locations where there is underutilization of existing infrastructure.  The Commission will direct its Staff to consider these questions and invites other parties to also address the questions.  Staff shall, and other parties may, file the results of their investigation as part of their direct testimony on rate design issues, which is scheduled to be filed by December 19, 2014.  Since Ameren Missouri would not otherwise file additional direct testimony, it may file direct testimony limited to discussion of these questions on that date.

The questions the Commission would like to have addressed include:

1.     Whether any such rate design mechanism should apply to residential, commercial, industrial customers and/or other rate classes, and whether it should apply to existing customers and/or new customers;

2.     What geographic locations should be the subject any such rate design mechanism;

3.     Whether such a rate design mechanism should be available only at the discretion of the company;

4.     An analysis of appropriate eligibility criteria for any such rate design mechanism;

5.     Whether such a rate design mechanism promotes efficient utilization of the company’s existing infrastructure;

6.     How any such rate design mechanism may be reasonably related to the cost of serving eligible customers;

7.     Whether such a rate design mechanism is in the public interest;

8.     An analysis of any significant similar rate design mechanisms in Missouri, currently or historically, including the existing Economic Re-Development Rider available to portions of the City of St. Louis, and their effectiveness; and

9.     An analysis of any similar rate design mechanisms in other states and their effectiveness.

It is not the Commission’s intent that Staff or any other party divert significant resources away from preparing other testimony in this case in order to provide the above requested information.  Accordingly, the Commission will consider suggestions for modification of this Order should any party believe it necessary to do so.



1.       The Commission’s Staff shall investigate the questions described in the body of this order and shall address those questions as part of its direct testimony on class cost of service and rate design, scheduled to be filed on December 19, 2014. 

2.       Any other party may investigate the questions described in the body of this order and may address those questions as part of its direct testimony on class cost of service and rate design, scheduled to be filed on December 19, 2014.

3.       Ameren Missouri may file additional direct testimony regarding its investigation of the questions described in the body of this order at the same time other parties file direct testimony on class cost of service and rate design.

4.       This order shall be effective when issued.







Morris L. Woodruff



Morris L. Woodruff, Chief Regulatory

Law Judge, by delegation of authority

pursuant to Section 386.240, RSMo 2000.


Dated at Jefferson City, Missouri,

on this 20th day of October, 2014.