In the Matter of the True-Up of Union Electric                    )

Company d/b/a Ameren Missouri’s                                     )      File No. ER-2015-0021

Fuel Adjustment Clause for the 13th                                   )

Recovery Period.                                                              )





Issue Date:  July 25, 2014                                          Effective Date:  July 25, 2014


On July 25, 2014, Union Electric Company d/b/a Ameren Missouri filed an application containing its 13th Fuel Adjustment Clause (“FAC”) true-up filing, as required to by Commission Rules 4 CSR 240-3.161 and 4 CSR 240-20.090. Rule 4 CSR 240‑20.090(5)(D) requires the Commission’s Staff to examine the information Ameren Missouri has submitted and to submit a recommendation to the Commission not later than 30 days after Ameren Missouri’s filing. That means Staff’s recommendation will be due no later than August 24, 2014. Under that rule, the Commission must then act to approve, reject, or suspend Ameren’s true-up filing by September 23, 2014.

Commission Rule 4 CSR 240-3.161(10)(A) provides that the parties to the rate case in which the Commission established Ameren Missouri’s FAC are automatically parties to this true-up case, without the necessity of having to apply for intervention. The Commission therefore acknowledges that the parties to File Nos. ER-2011-0028 and ER‑2012‑0166 are parties to this case and will direct its Data Center to add those parties to the service list.

The Commission will also establish a submission date for any other entity that may wish to apply to intervene and will direct its Data Center to serve a copy of this order upon the parties in File Nos. ER-2011-0028 and ER‑2012‑0166, and upon the county commission of each county in Ameren Missouri’s service area. In addition, the Commission’s Public Information Office shall make notice of this order available to the media serving Ameren Missouri’s service area and to the members of the Missouri General Assembly representing the residents of Ameren Missouri’s service area.


1.     The Commission’s Data Center shall add all parties from File Nos. ER-2011-0028 and ER‑2012‑0166 to the service list for this case.

2.     Any proper person or entity wishing to intervene in this matter shall file an application to intervene no later than August 8, 2014, in the Commission’s Electronic Filing Information System (“EFIS”).

3.     The Commission’s Data Center shall serve a copy of this order upon the county commission of each county in the service territory of Ameren Missouri.

4.     The Commission’s Public Information Officer shall make notice of this order available to the members of the Missouri General Assembly representing the residents of the service area of Ameren Missouri and to the news media serving the residents of the service territory of Ameren Missouri.

5.     The Staff of the Commission shall file its recommendation no later than August 24, 2014.

6.     This order shall become effective upon issuance.


                                                            BY THE COMMISSION

_Pic2                                      Morris L. Woodruff                                                                                                      Secretary



Kim S. Burton, Regulatory

Law Judge, by delegation of authority

pursuant to Section 386.240, RSMo 2000.


Dated at Jefferson City, Missouri,

on this 25th day of July, 2014.