In the Matter of the Application of Grain Belt Express         )

Clean Line LLC for a Certificate of Convenience and           )

Necessity Authorizing It to Construct, Own, Operate,          )

Control, Manage, and Maintain a High Voltage, Direct         )     File No. EA-2014-0207

Current Transmission Line and an Associated Converter     )

Station Providing an Interconnection on the Maywood –      )

Montgomery 345 kV Transmission Line                              )





Issue Date:  December 3, 2014



The following list describes the admitted exhibits from the evidentiary hearing held in the above-styled case. 


Exhibit                   Description


100                         Skelly direct

101                         Lawlor direct

102                         Lawlor surrebuttal

103                         Blazewicz surrebuttal

104                         Gaul direct

105                         Gaul surrebuttal

106                         Wesley surrebuttal

107                         Priestley surrebuttal

108                         Bailey surrebuttal

109                         Zavadil direct

110                         Zavadil surrebuttal

111                         Galli direct

112                         Galli additional direct

113                         Galli surrebuttal

114                         Loomis direct

115                         Loomis surrebuttal

116                         Moland direct

117                         Cleveland surrebuttal

118                         Berry direct

119                         Berry additional direct

120                         Berry surrebuttal

122                         Color diagram showing safety clearances

123                         GBE milestone schedule

Exhibit                   Description


124                         DOE 2013 Wind Technologies Market Report

125                         Nature Conservancy website page

126                         Show-Me response to GBE third set of data requests

127                         SPP project cost task force whitepaper

128                         Max DeForest email March 15, 2013

129                         LinkedIn page of Max DeForest

130                         Order on atty fees-Minnkota Power Co-op v. Weigum et al.

131                         Jackson article-Elec. Trans. Lines and Rural Land Values

132                         Jackson article on trans. line impact on rural land values

133                         US wind energy potential estimates-May 17, 2010

134                         Berry rebuttal from Ill. Commerce Comm. No. 12-0560

135                         Eastern Wind Integration and Trans. Study-Feb. 2011

136                         New England Wind Integration Study-Dec. 5, 2010

137                         Ameren 2014 Integrated Resource Plan

138HC                    Clean Line Energy Partners presentation

139HC                    Clean Line presentation to Wabash Valley

140HC                    Clean Line presentation to Columbia Power & Light

141                         Color maps of proposed trans. line route in Mo.

142                         Bismarck State College website page

143                         Bismarck State College program description

144                         MISO 2013 Annual Market Assessment Report

145                         Motion to accept correction to pre-filed testimony

147                         Ameren IRP plan, Sec. 9, pages 6-7

148                         Three pages from Associated Elec. 2013 annual report

149                         Supp. response to DR 2.1(b) of MLA’s Second DR’s


200                         Dietrich rebuttal

201                         Beck rebuttal

202                         Stahlman rebuttal

203                         Lange rebuttal

204                         Murray rebuttal

205                         Leonberger rebuttal

206                         Kliethermes rebuttal

207                         Kliethermes surrebuttal

208                         Lange surrebuttal

209                         Stahlman surrebuttal

210                         GBE response to data request no. 200

211                         Email re: Audrain SPS- from Galli workpapers

212                         GBE response to Staff data request no. 04


300                         Michels deposition

301                         Gray rebuttal

302                         Gray surrebuttal

303                         Cauthorn rebuttal

Exhibit                   Description


304                         McElwain rebuttal

305                         Smith rebuttal

306                         Lowenstein rebuttal

308                         several pages from GBE presentation Jan. 2012

309                         Map re: PPA prices from wind energy

310HC                    Map of projects submitted to GBE by county from RFI

311HC                    GBE briefing on Feb. 4, 2014

312                         Trans. line map

313HC                    Clean Line presentation Dec. 2013

315                         Summary of support for GBE-March 6, 2014

316                         Support letter of Shane Adrian

317                         GBE response to MLA’s DR 29

319                         Study-requirements for wind generation interconnection

322                         GBE response to MLA-01

323                         Eastern Wind Integration and Transmission Study

324HC                    National Grid board approval memo

325                         DOE 2013 Wind Technologies Market Report

326                         GBE request for information document-Nov. 18, 2013

327                         M. Brower, US wind energy potential estimates

328                         Map of Mo. WINDExchange-wind resource potential

330                         Berry rebuttal- Ill. Commerce Comm.- no. 12-0560

331                         Numerical data for wind speeds-site no. 100

332                         GBE response to MLA 1st set of DRs to D. Berry

333                         GBE response to MLA DR 5.2

334                         Ameren 2014 integrated resource plan

335HC                    Request for information response forms

336HC                    Summary of responses to GBE’s RFI

337HC                    Financial model for GBE

338                         Map-proposed interconnection with RTOs

339                         Description of MesoMap system


400                         Proctor rebuttal

401                         Proctor surrebuttal

402                         Kielisch rebuttal

403                         Kruse rebuttal

404                         SPP powerpoint-cost estimates

405                         Nat. Renewable Energy Lab-limitations of JEDI models


500                         Hurst rebuttal


550                         Nordstrom rebuttal

551                         Umbriaco rebuttal

552                         Reichert rebuttal

553                         Harris rebuttal (p.5, l.15 through p.6, l.16 not admitted)

Exhibit                   Description


554                         Reichert surrebuttal

555                         Agricultural impact mitigation agreement

556                         Transmission line easement agreement

557                         Data request response-Priestley

558                         Response to GBE’s 1st set of data requests


575                         Meyer rebuttal (p.5, l. 15-21 not admitted)


625                         Allen rebuttal

626                         GBE response to data request #009 dated Oct. 27, 2014

627                         2013 report-building interstate nat. gas trans. pipelines

628                         New York Regional Interconnection Study

629                         Study-high voltage DC interference with underground pipelines

630                         Gummow et al., Pipeline AC Mitigation Misconcepts

631                         Influence of high voltage DC power lines on pipelines


700                         Goggin rebuttal

701                         Goggin surrebuttal


725                         Costanza rebuttal


750                         Desmond rebuttal


875                         Langley rebuttal

876                         Langley surrebuttal (Schedule MC-1 not admitted)



NOTE:  At the hearing, the regulatory law judge took official notice of the estimate by the U.S. Census in 2010 that the population of the United States was 308,745,538 and the population of Missouri was 5,988,927.







Morris L. Woodruff



Michael Bushmann, Senior Regulatory

Law Judge, by delegation of authority

pursuant to Section 386.240, RSMo 2000.


Dated at Jefferson City, Missouri,

on this 3rd day of December, 2014.